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The CPU GLU was also known as the "Normandy Decoder", "Normandy ASIC", "CPU CAD", and "Coarse Address Decode".

/DTACK Generation

The CPU GLU generates /DTACK for the following memory regions:

  • Permanent RAM and Expansion RAM (0x000000-0x8FFFFF)
    • The M5126 generates /DTACK for 0x000000-0x4FFFFF before the CPU GLU does.
  • Permanent ROM (0x900000-0x9FFFFF)
  • Most peripheral addresses (0xF60000-0xFEFFFF)

RAM Mapping Registers

These 16 registers are in the low bytes starting at 0xFC0000 (0xFC0001, 0xFC0003, etc.)
Each register is three bits wide.

0xFC0001 Bit 2: Moves 0x800000-0x87FFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0003 Bit 2: Moves 0x880000-0x8FFFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0005 Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0007 Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0009 Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC000B Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC000D Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC000F Bit 2: Unknown
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0011 Bit 2:
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0013 Bit 2:
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0015 Bit 2: Moves 0x500000-0x57FFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0017 Bit 2: Moves 0x580000-0x5FFFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC0019 Bit 2: Moves 0x600000-0x67FFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC001B Bit 2: Moves 0x680000-0x6FFFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC001D Bit 2: Moves 0x700000-0x77FFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown
0xFC001F Bit 2: Moves 0x780000-0x7FFFFF from SLOT_CS0 to SLOT_CS1
Bit 1: Unknown
Bit 0: Unknown

Tests 80 and 81 in the Test Manager will write values to these registers to test they are functioning properly.

RAM Config Register

This 3 bit register is at 0xFE0200. Function is unknown. Setting the first bit (bit 0) seems to freeze the system.

Slim /DTACK Load Register


Memory access to the Slim Card region of memory (0x500000-0x8FFFFF) has a longer /DTACK delay until the first access of this register.

Idle Speed Register