ROM Patches
Known ROM Versions
Startup Patching
The Outbound contains EEPROMs placed in Apple's "Test Software" address space.
If the stock Macintosh ROM finds the value 0x55AAAA55
there, it will execute that code instead of continuing with normal startup. This check is one of the first few instructions that the computer executes.
Here is an example of the check from the v1 Macintosh Plus ROM:
movem.l $F80000,D0/A0
cmpi.l #$55AAAA55,D0
bne.b NormalStartup
lea NormalStartup,A1
jmp (A0)
This ROM code then does setup for the Outbound hardware, and enables the trace bit on the 68000. This causes code to run after every instruction that checks the address of the instruction and jumps to patched code if it matches.